Gateways received a generous grant from the Slingshot Fund in October 2009. This video is our mid-year report to Slingshot, using the Flip Video Camera they gave us at the time. The grant and the camera are helping us to document programs, materials and resources for future use. The Slingshot Flip VideoCam and this assignment presented the perfect opportunity to pilot an approach to sharing our best practices. We decided to focus on one element that could be a pilot of a ?teaching case.? We selected a research-based practice which we use in all of our work with students with disabilities ? the use of visual strategies ? and have videotaped examples of this practice being used in several of our Jewish educational programs for students with special learning needs.
Article by Luiz Gustavo Arruda
?Special Education?, defined as all specific education process design to people with any kind of deficiency, has passed, through the years, by diverse stages of conceptualization, development and transformation. It has initiated with optics of segregation of the limited? or ?deficient? person ?in specialized educational centers, with a perspective of clinical attendance ? assistentialist proceeding from the field of the Medicine.
High costs and the consequent poor results of this approach had demonstrated throughout the years that this is not the way. The attendance, centered here in an ?ill patient? that must be rehabilitated by a technician, results in general in poor results in the process of integration or inclusion of the person who presents a deficiency.
As counterproposal, several voices appear in the world that claim in favor of the ?Integration?, which generate great controversies and experiments in search of a more equitable education for who do not have access to the normal education, due to its characteristics or Special Educational Needs (SEN). This not only obeys humanitarian reasons, but also specific the social and economic realities. (MOUGNIOTTE, 1994)
Many children and young are tied to the regular education without a real and integral diagnosis that systematically approaches their true problems and possibilities in the physical, cognitive, cognoscitive, communicative, occupational, and social plans.Also, a huge part of educative centers in the country does not count on the minimum special easinesses so that a student with necessities cannot dislocates himself independently in its interior: ample slopes, runners, space in the halls, bars of support in the walls and bathrooms, etc., nor count on Institutional Educative Projects that reflect the equity and not an illusory concept of equality that does not allow any chance to the valuation of the difference.
Education is a permanent, personal, cultural and social formation process that bases itself on an integral conception of the human being, his dignity, his rights and duties. It must be noticed that the education is not primary responsibility, nor exclusive, of the masters, professors or educators. Pit is also art of coherent politics, since the perspective of the type of human being that it is wanted to form, which is implemented in a definitive context. (SCAVINO, 2000)
Traditionally, the family assumes that the educational institution puts itself a responsible role for the development stimulation of the student, showing a passivity paper. This frames a traditional assistentialist vision.
Among other obligations, family assumes a primordial role and not transmissible, as basic nucleus of the responsible first society and for the education of the children, until the majority or until when any class or other form of emancipation occurs. In that way, family corresponds to it:
- To inquire on the academic income and the behavior of its children, and on the march of the educative institution, and in both the cases, to participate in action of improvement.- To look and to receive orientation on the education of the children.- To educate its children and to provide in their home an adjusted environment for their integral development.
The dominant group of a society defines the traces that configure the agreement of the academic success and failure, what produce differences among those that learn or not. The developed educative politics during much time propitiated that some students were integrated and others not, determining that many people with deficiencies could not have been enclosed in the usual educative system, and so, a parallel system of special education was created.Separation between regular? and ?special? Education ?perpetuated difference and promoted a traditional and medical vision of the deficiency, focused that the individual is the center of the problem, without seeing the surrounding ambient (familiar, pertaining to school, communitarian) as possible explicative source. Thus, this configures a model of diagnosis and medical-therapeutical treatment of the students with deficiencies. (FREIRE, 2002)
This universe urges to be attenuated through programs of individual rehabilitation, in such way that the form of attendance to the special educative necessities of some students, determined the appearance of practical educative ?regular? and ?special?, consequence of ampler cultural and social positioning.
This paradigm considers the incapacity as shunting line and centers its attendance in the negative characteristics more than in the potentialities of the person, defining itself as:
Privative and deterministic v (negative) ? Emphasizes what the student does not know how to make.
Specific (technocrat) ? Is centered in the necessity of the intervention of the experienced, the specialist, as the best performance in the reply to the student?s diversity of necessities.
Compensative ? Inequalities originated by special educative necessities treats to compensate (to surpass) establishing forms of parallel resume (Curricular Programs of Individual Development or Adequacies).In definitive, ?Special Education?, seen as a deficit model, ideologically does not accepted diversity as human value and keeps the discriminatory differentiation between the students, while it assumes that existent biological and sociological determinisms legitimize physical and curricular separation.
MOUGNIOTTE, Alain, 1994, ?duquer ? la D?mocratie, Paris, Ed. Du Cerf.
SCAVINO, Susana et al, 2000 ? Aportes desde la Educacion em Derechos Humanos, Rio de janeiro, Cochabamba e Santo Domingo, Ed. Novamerica, Yachay Tinkuy e Centro Poveda.
FREIRE, Paulo Reglus Neves. Pedagogia da Autonomia ? ? ? Saberes necess?rios ? pr?tica educativa. S?o Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra, 2002
About the Author
Luiz Gustavo Arruda endures an informational internet site on how to increment investigation and specialized composing. For additional instructions on sua pesquisa para monografia please be more than welcomed to visit his internet site. He furthermore has an additional internet site where he teaches relating about executive investigating time de monografias
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