If you are working as a fitness nurse or even as a fitness professional, with the ?nurse? in your back pocket, and are wondering why you can?t get people to sign up for your services and programs?

"Damn! I'll just get a strong safety pin and put on a large sweater that covers my zipper".
It?s probably because you are marketing to the same 3-7% of people that everybody else is trying to get.? This very small amount of people can choose whomever/whatever they want, because they have so many offers!? Here?s an example of the 3-7%:
- They are already in the gym and are bombarded with you and everybody elses? specialty classes and personal training, customized nutrition/weight loss?and bootcamps.?Everybody here is suffering from ?bright shiny object? disease.? Someone gets a new certification and highlights it at your gym, at no or low cost, and it?s new and shiny, for right now.? People sign up for a while, then get bored, quit??and sign up for the next thing, because they are ?gym? invested members not ?your? invested?members.
Do you know who your ideal client is?? Let?s say you do.? Well that 7% or a little more of your ideal clients are open to buying your service/product, but are not actively looking.? They have the problem that you can solve, but they haven?t made a decision and are not taking any action.? The example looks like this:
- They are conscious enough about their health that they go to annual physicals or are even under a doctor?s care.? This 57 y.o. woman ?sees? her expanding gut everyday, but just gets a bigger shirt to cover it up.? Everyday?that she has bagel and coffee (light and sweet) for breakfast?? pizza or chinese food for lunch, she knows that her diabetic borderline blood sugar is about to burst, but she is consoled by ?friend and co-workers? that she works hard and ?deserves? to enjoy her lunch.? So she returns to her desk bloated and takes a Tums (for the calcium) to feel like she did something healthy for the day.? She ?feels? the shortness of breath after having to take one flight of stairs, but?eventually recovers and vows to ?call out? from the lobby the next time the elevator is not working.? This person knows about you, but are not taking action.? They need help making a committed decision.
The next group is a large 30% of your ideal client.? This large percentage of
your ideal clients are aware they need you, but further distance themselves from your services. Like the above example, they may have the same scenarios, but feel that right now is not the time.? ?Down the road? is better for them, not now.? An example of this type of person would be:
- That similar 57 y.o. prediabetic woman but who avoids the doctor for fear of what the doctor will tell them and will keep trying things ?on their own?? even though they are ?feeling? all the signs of their deteriorating health (and their own efforts still aren?t working).
Then there?s the unconscious 30% who don?t about the solution or more specifically, your solution.? They don?t know that they are your ideal client, they don?t know about you.? They are not shopping but they have the problem that you can solve.? An example of this person is:
- They surround themselves with people who support their poor eating and lifestyle behaviors.? Diabetes, heart disease and other preventative diseases only happen to other people, not them, especially not right now.? They may blame genetics and say things like, ?I?m a big woman,?it?s just who I am? or ?I?m a big guy, I need real food, salads/diets don?t work for me?.?? This person needs education-based marketing about their problem and they need to know that you exist to solve their specific problem.
Then there?s the last 30% who will say, ?No?.? Bless them and move on.? No matter what you can solve, they will not want it regardless of what it is, the price, the results, time frame, travel, etc.? This is why I teach you how to be exclusive and specific in your work as a fitness nurse, that way, this 30% is easily identified and you won?t waste your precious time and money on them.
The easy 3-7%, that?s very competetive to get their attention, plus this last 30% who will say ?no? regardless (37%) equals a group of people you want to avoid.? You have a much larger 67-68% or more who are the ones you can attract to you and are more likely to buy from you, once they know you exist and how you can solve their problem.? What are you doing to get your message out to your ideal clients as a fitness nurse?
If you don?t know who your ideal client is, you should start there.? Remember if you choose to help everybody, you end up helping no one in the market/business.? You have no distinction and charge what the ?market will bear? instead of what you?re worth.
Deadline for some structure and a system to help you identify your ideal client, design your own CFNC program and monetize from it, is Friday,?July 27th at 11:59pm EST.? You can get more information here:
Click on recordings link above to listen in on and download when you?re ready get moving!? Thanks and I hope to ?see? you in the course (future courses) and/or on future preview calls.
Yours in Fitness & Nursing,
(a.k.a Minky)
Source: http://certifiedfitnessnursing.com/2012/07/why-are-you-competing-for-the-same-3-7/
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